A-to-Z Guarantee

A program that ensures customers receive items sold and fulfilled by third-party sellers as expected,...

Accounting Voucher

A document that records financial transactions in the accounting system. Types of vouchers include Payment,...

Accounts Payable

Money owed by a business to its suppliers shown as a liability on the company's...

Accounts Receivable

Money owed to a business by its clients or customers shown as an asset on...

Aging Analysis

A report that categorizes accounts receivable according to the length of time invoices have been...

Amazon Brand Registry

A program that helps brand owners protect their intellectual property and create an accurate and...

API (Application Programming Interface)

A set of protocols and tools for building and interacting with software applications, allowing eVanik...

ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number)

A unique identifier assigned by Amazon to every product sold on its site. It is...

Auto Claims

Automatic generation of claims for reimbursements or adjustments, typically due to discrepancies in orders, payments,...