Safety Stock

Extra inventory kept on hand to prevent stockouts due to variability in demand or supply...

Sales Invoice

A document that records the sale of goods or services and provides details such as...

Seller Central

The web interface used by Amazon sellers to manage their selling account, including adding products,...


The State Goods and Services Tax (SGST) is a component of the Goods and Services...


A Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) is a unique identifier assigned to each distinct product or...

SKU (Stock Keeping Unit)

A unique identifier for each product and service that can be purchased. Used to track...

Sponsored Products

An Amazon advertising service that allows sellers to promote individual listings through paid ads that...

Stock Journal

A document that records the transfer of materials from one location to another or the...

Stranded Inventory

Inventory that is in Amazon's fulfillment centers but is not currently listed for sale due...

Sub Category

A subcategory is a more specific division within a broader category, used to further classify...

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